Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Doing the Work

When we do the work, we find that fewer childhood forces are working on us and more adult choices are available. We also notice more flexibility in our handling of changes and transitions.  And we no longer insist on perfection in our world, our partners, or ourselves.  Approximations become acceptable, and preferences take the place of demands. Questioning of and arguments with reality turn to acknowledgment and consent. We take things that happen to us or people’s reactions toward us as information rather than as unalterable verdicts. We can reframe our dramatic experiences: "He abandoned me" becomes "He left." "She engulfs me" becomes "She crowds me sometimes." "I was betrayed" becomes "I was fooled." 
"I feel empty inside" becomes "I am finding more space inside."
Dr. David Richo, Author
How To Be An Adult
in Relationships

Individual Therapy

During my first visit I ask: “What results do you want to create in your life? What do you value most? What would you like your relationship to look like? How would you like to feel in your relationship?“ Though each individual has their own unique answer tailored to their particular life issue, the thread that seems to tie all human beings together is a longing for passion, a sense of being fully alive, a feeling that our juices are flowing, that may best be described as inner peace.
People, whether they are conscious of it or not, are longing to have a “felt” sense of connection. It is my belief that at the root of every discomfort, physic pain, loneliness, frustration and discontentment is a longing for connection, to feel seen, to have a voice that matters, to experience from their partner a genuine interest in knowing the deeper parts of me without judgment and disapproval. There is a longing for a kind of gentle curiosity to be known so that one’s truly authentic self can emerge.

My Approach

My approach in providing therapy is a holistic one in which I want to help you to discover, own and integrate all the parts of your self that may have been overlooked, undervalued, judged or disempowered.

To do this work, I encourage you to take an active role in your growth and development. For transformation to occur,  I work with you to uncover the truth that lies within so that the psyche is free to experience a fuller life. Your journey will take you to many interior neighborhoods.

We want to seek knowledge, deepen intuition, individuate from early shapings, take risks in self actualizing, explore meaningful introspection and equip oneself to deepen the capacity for our intimacy with another. To do so, we will likely examine self sabotaging behavior, limiting beliefs, attend to the care and feeding of a balanced and healthy body, pay attention to boundary disturbances, learn how to self soothe, replace dysfunctional communication with safe and effective methods, complete unfinished business, be in integrity with your core values and to reclaim your authentic self. 

Between sessions I will encourage you to record their thoughts, journal, listen to their intuition, report on your observations and reactions, read books I suggest and reflect on your life stance.

My Areas of Expertise

  • Depression, Anxiety, Stress 
  • Interpersonal Communication involving intimate family members including couples, adult family members and in-laws
  • Workplace Communication involving managers and employees as well as between peers
  • Chronic Illness 
  • Parenting 
  • Hypnosis for issues such as test anxiety, Stress Reduction Relaxation for anxiety disorders
  • Sex Addiction Recovery 
  • Grief, bereavement and healing after loss
  • Betrayal, infidelity and affairs
  • Divorce counseling
  • Living a meaningful life; finding purpose

Criteria for Ending Therapy

The first criteria is the experiences and situations of our past are not forgotten but live in us in a different context than before. We recall our story but, over time, it has less of a hold on us.

The second criteria is we become more of an “observer” of our feelings, our reactions and our desires. Instead of “fusing” with the uncomfortable emotion that compels us to act, react or discharge a hurtful message, we now have a greater capacity to “contain” the harmful messages. We now have greater conscious access to holding the tension of these separate worlds while attempting to understand our partner through their lens.

Contact Me

I invite you to contact me for a brief, 30-minute complimentary consultation so that we may talk further and learn how I might be of help to you.  Please call me at 805.494.6635 or use the Contact Form below.

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